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Osim pješačenja i brdskog biciklizma Park Fortica moguće je obići i terenskim vozilom a posebna ponuda je uspon na planinu Velež (1897 m.n.v.) Ovaj cjelodnevni izlet uključuje posjetu bivšem podzemnom vojnom kompleksu koji se nalazi na vrhu planine odakle se pruža nezaboravan pogled na sve planine Hercegovine, ušće rijeke Neretve u jadransko more i obližnje otoke.

Service description


Daily rental of bicycles and equipment for mountain biking. The price includes transport of bicycles to the desired location in Mostar. There are 5 bikes available.

30,00 BAM


Daily rental of electric bicycles and equipment, for mountain biking. The price includes transport of bicycles to the desired location in Mostar. There are 2 bikes available.

50,00 BAM


Half-day tours around Mostar with local transportation as needed. The price is expressed per person and includes the organization of tours, transportation and guide services.

15,00 BAM


An all-day excursion with a jeep on Mount Velež (1897 m.m.) with a tour of the Austro-Hungarian fortifications and ruins of the military facility at the top. From the top you can see all the mountains of Herzegovina, and there is a beautiful view of the Neretva valley and the town of Mostar with its surroundings. When a weather conditions are perfect it is possible to see the Adriatic Sea and the mouth of the Neretva. The price is expressed per person includes transportation, guide services, refreshment and use of binoculars and the minimum number of persons is 4.

100,00 BAM


Opening Time

During winter time ZIP LINE will work only on weekends from 10 am to 5 pm and only if the weather conditions are favorable.

For all who come out of Mostar, the announcement is desirable.