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ZIP Line

Experience the unforgettable adventure of descending the ZIP LINE total length o ...



Za sve koji žele iskusiti alpinizam pripremili smo jednostavne i kratke smjerove ...

Abseil (Rappel)

Spuštanje užetom niz 30 m visoku liticu predstavlja jako uzbudljivo iskustvo koj ...

Via ferata + Hiking

Fortica Park offers many hiking trails and certainly the most attractive is a to ...

Brdski biciklizam

Mountain biking

Na širem području Parka Fortica kao i planine Velež markirano je preko 200 km st ...

Mountain safari

Osim pješačenja i brdskog biciklizma Park Fortica moguće je obići i terenskim vo ...

Team building

Sve navedene usluge mogu se kombinovati u jedinstvenu Team Buliding ponudu po va ...

Fortica Mountain Lodge

Fortica Mountain Lodge

Spend pleasant moments in nature near the city. Fortica Mountain Lodge offers ac ...

Giant swing

Giant swing

Swing height 10m with a swing length of 15m suitable for all ages (children and ...


Opening Time

During winter time ZIP LINE will work only on weekends from 10 am to 5 pm and only if the weather conditions are favorable.

For all who come out of Mostar, the announcement is desirable.