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Field instruction in nature

The Sports Federation of Mostar with the support of the Japanese Agency for International Cooperation is implementing a project called Field Instruction in Nature. Children from 14 primary schools from the Mostar area visited nature park "Fortica" and enjoyed its contents.

About the author

ZIP Line team

ZIP Line team

Brdsko-biciklističko udruženje MTBA iz Mostara osnovano je u maju 2014. godine sa ciljem promocije brdskog biciklizma, zdravog života, sporta općenito te unapređenja turističke ponude i promocije prirodnih ljepota BiH.

Seat of association

Tekija 73A 
88105 Mostar
Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: +387-61-175-762



Opening Time

During winter time ZIP LINE will work only on weekends from 10 am to 5 pm and only if the weather conditions are favorable.

For all who come out of Mostar, the announcement is desirable.