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Day in the nature

MTB Mountain Bike Association in cooperation with Sport Society Zalik organizes a fun event: DAY IN NATURE.

About the author

ZIP Line team

ZIP Line team

Brdsko-biciklističko udruženje MTBA iz Mostara osnovano je u maju 2014. godine sa ciljem promocije brdskog biciklizma, zdravog života, sporta općenito te unapređenja turističke ponude i promocije prirodnih ljepota BiH.

Seat of association

Tekija 73A 
88105 Mostar
Bosna i Hercegovina

Tel: +387-62-115-100



Opening Time

During winter time ZIP LINE will work only on weekends from 10 am to 5 pm and only if the weather conditions are favorable.

For all who come out of Mostar, the announcement is desirable.